Dear Dad,
Today is your birthday. Today is the day where it is all about you. And I suppose that you do deserve this one day because you make every other day all about "your girls"!
You go to work everyday while it is still dark and usually you don't come home until it is dark. You work so hard to take care of us. I am so thankful that you didn't mind working hard so that Mom could stay at home to take care of us. You have made it so that we always have had everything we needed and wanted.
You knew my cheers at the football games by heart. You knew where I was in the dance line up so that you could video me perfectly. You yelled louder than anyone else when they would call my name out for the top ten in beauty pageants.
There is no doubt that your love for me really does reach the sky.
I hope that I make you proud. I hope that when you see things that you love about me, that you realize they came from you.
You are so loving and you always think the best of people. You will go above and beyond to help someone. You know how to make and fix anything! I don't know how you learned to to all that you can do.
You have set the bar very high, Dad. When it comes time for me to choose someone to spend my life with, he has A LOT to live up to. You have shown me how much love a man should have and show to his family.
I Love You!
awww wow. Happy Birthday Heather's Dad :) I longed so much for a relationship like this with my happy that you have that in your life :)
Happy Birthday Mr.Terrell! I know you are very proud of your two little girls!
Yay! Happy birthday to your Dad, it sounds like you are ALL so blessed to have each other.
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