Well, another week has come and gone and now it is March! My goodness! Spring is right around the corner! I am so excited!
Sunday, February 20
I don't know if it was because I watched an episode of Cupcake Challenge on the Food Network or what but I was having a serious cupcake craving Sunday! I told Mom that all I could think of was a yellow cupcake and chocolate icing and she made me some! They were yummy.
My family likes to exaggerate their enthusiasm when posing for my many photos. They look at one another when I whip out the camera and make this face, like, "Oh, here we go again!" And then their silly photos get put online...serves them right! ha!
Monday, February 21
It is so pretty here. It has been getting in the 70's and there is now a dusting of pollen on everything! Holly loves the pretty weather.
Tuesday, February 22
I love fun mail days! My Spring Loft catalog came and a book that I ordered from Amazon and forgot about, so that was a nice surprise. My netflix movies and my birthday coupon from Anthropologie arrived too. Yes, it was a good day. :)
Wednesday, February 23
I keep my daily medicine in this bag and it had gotten so messy! I couldn't find anything. This bag is perfect for organizing medicine. And I happy to report that nearly a week later, it still looks this neat.
Thursday, February 24
This maybe my favorite photo in a very, very long time. This is the dearest soul in the world. Meet Mr. Turner; he is just such a precious person.
Mom was his secretary from about 1995-2002. We have stayed in touch over the years. He brings me books because he knows how much I love to read and he has even chided me for wasting a perfectly good football ticket on a not-so-nice boy.
And he always says, Now Heather, how are you?
I try to be polite and just tell him that I am fine and then he says,
Okay, let's get all that out of the way. Now tell me how you are really doing.
He is just so special.
My week is a little short of photos again but I am pleased with the ones that I did take. I think this was my favorite week so far.
Have a great day!
Oh my word, that last photo is precious.
And that is too funny about your family's photo expressions. It's better than my family, who just kind of dead pan at the camera! :)
What a special picture of you and Mr. Turner.
Have a great week!
I love your Tuesday update, it made me so jealous you got all those things in the mail! What a great day!
Aww, love your photos, Heather! Your medicine container looks just like mine. lol.
I love that man. I have secret crushes on old men. don't worry i'm not creepy. I just think they are so sweet. I'm going to love my hubby as an old man :)
speaking of my hubby he's a classic for a random face. but he gets put on the blog and then complains..."well you shouldn't have made that stupid face"....LOL
Happy PLT!
What great pictures this week. I love the everyday moments. I also love the food network and cupcakes!!! Your picture of Mr. Turner is just perfect. So great that you captured it. Have a good week!
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