Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We can all overcome with Him.

Hello Blogger Friends.

May I just take this moment to thank you. Thank you for browsing, stopping and reading my blog. Thank you for commenting, thinking about me and praying for me. Thank for messages that I have been sent through Facebook, Polyvore, and email. You each bless me in a way that I cannot explain. Thank you.

Those are my evening downers. Just kidding...sort of! My body doesn't really know when it is supposed to wake up and start each day and when it is supposed to wind down and stop at night. So, I have to take medicines to try and replace those natural mechanics. But there is nothing like the real thing and my body knows it. I wish it would let me cheat every once in a while.

I have not blogged in the past couple of days because I have felt pretty bad. Fall and winter months are a bad time for me and it seems this season is not going to a walk in the park! :/

I am sad to today but if you read my previous post you know why. I am also sad because so may wonderful people I know have private pain and suffering. My suffering maybe have an usual name, Dsyautonomia but my suffering is not different or unique. We all feel loss, regret, fear and hopelessness. We all suffer. That is what makes us one big family and more importantly allows us to empathize and help those we love.

My favorite book in the entire world is The Hiding Place. It was written by Corrie ten Boom. A Christian woman whose entire family perished during the Holocaust after sheltering Jewish families. This amazing woman, after all she endured, went all over the world to share the love of Jesus. My favorite quote in the whole entire world came from her:
"There is no pit so deep that Jesus is not deeper still."

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