"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." ~W.T. Ellis Well.
It is that time of year! The holiday season is upon us! Are you as excited as I am? (I must tell you that is pretty excited!) So many things to do and people to see…there is just excitement in the air, everywhere you turn.
It is that time of year! The holiday season is upon us! Are you as excited as I am? (I must tell you that is pretty excited!) So many things to do and people to see…there is just excitement in the air, everywhere you turn.
I love traditions that families seem to save and do only around Christmas. I know my family has a couple of Christmas traditions that we try to do each year. What about you? Any traditions that you especially love?
Okay, so the real purpose of this post is to tell you that I L-O-V-E Christmas Cards. Did you see that? LOVE! I usually try and keep them from year to year. I love going back and looking at old ones. I also L-O-V-E sending Christmas cards and I would L-O-V-E to send a Christmas card to YOU! So, to everyone and anyone that ever reads my blog, I want to send you a Christmas Card.
Now, I understand that you don’t want to post your home address on the internet, so if you will just email me your address, I will get you one in the mail. Don’t be shy! Please, whether we know each other a little of a lot, I L-O-V-E sending Christmas Cards to folks! So, let me send one to you! (That goes for international readers too!)

Now, when I get back from Virginia, I expect to have a inbox overflowing with addresses! ha!
Merry Christmas, everyone! (Don't you just love saying that?!)
Merry Christmas, everyone! (Don't you just love saying that?!)

Heather, that's a lovely undertaking - you are too sweet :D
Hello Heather . . . and merry Christmas!
I have enjoyed reading your blog lately. It has been such an encouragement and blessing to read your posts and see your beautiful spirit shine through.
I've been enjoying the links to artsy blogs in your side bar - oh, utter bliss! (And I really like your blog make-over, too :)
I'll see if I can send you my address here soon. You have such a sweet, giving spirit! Thank you :)
Blessings to you
P.S. I was very inspired while reading about Joyeuse. It has certainly made me think!
May the Lord bless you as you undertake this project.
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