“For you created my inmost being;you knit me together in my mother's womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
~Psalm 139:13-14

Part 1
There something that I have learned over the years. It is something that I am not sure that I would have learned or respected had I not been sick. What I have learned is that our bodies are amazing, mysterious and sacred in the most glorious of ways. I don’t know that we always fully appreciate our earthly bodies and their exact synchrony until they aren’t working just right...well; I know it is true for me, anyway.
Today at the ripe old age of 26 and having a body that can feel older than my grandmothers at time makes me say, "Wow, Lord! You have designed a majestic form!" To think that God thought of EVERYTHING and designed our bodies to react accordingly is just mind-boggling! To the tiniest nerve in our fingers and toes and smallest ducts in our stomachs and livers, each system works together and allows us to be who we are and do the things we do and love.
An example of God’s perfect design is how our brains and hearts work together perfectly. (And in my case-not so perfectly!) Our brain can "sense" when we are standing and it quickly sends a message to our hearts, "Come on heart, gravity is pulling blood down to the legs and we need blood and oxygen, beat a little harder", and the heart listens, picks up your blood pressure and you walk down the hall, up the steps and into another room of your home to answer a phone or hug a loved one. And you never even think about how you got there because God already thought about it and told our bodies how to get there years ago, while we were still in "our mother's womb".
Our bodies are wonderful and sacred. Our bodies our God’s holy place. We can think of it as millions of little churches walking around each day and whether your body works just right or whether there are a few "kinks", God designed us magnificently and we need to praise Him everyday for loving us enough to create such a beautiful being as He did, when He created me and you!
Part 2 will be tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Love, love, love it (and you)! Awesome, my favorite so far! Can't wait for part two : )
One of my favorite verses! Thanks for another awesome post! Hugs ♥
wonderful thoughts! Psalm 139 is truly beautiful :)
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