God's controlled energy flowing through me makes it possible to cope. That is God's power too.
-Joni Eareckson Tada
Someone gave me one of Joni's books several years ago and it was so powerful. I don't think you can read Joni's story and not be moved by her testimony for Jesus.
If I read a book and just one line speaks to me, then it is well worth its read! Don't you agree?! When I read the sentence above, my heart just started pounding. I went back and read it again and again. I put the book down and just let those words sink in.
The ability to cope is a miracle! The ability to have hope is a miracle!
I had never thought about it quite like that before. God performs a miracle each moment in my life that I can be hopeful. When I realized that, I had an intense moment with God. I was so grateful and I felt so close to Him.
The ability to cope is a miracle! The ability to have hope is a miracle!
I had never thought about it quite like that before. God performs a miracle each moment in my life that I can be hopeful. When I realized that, I had an intense moment with God. I was so grateful and I felt so close to Him.
I have faith that at any moment I can be healed. I know that God has the ability and the power. I also know that God has a great plan (as cliche as it may sound). A plan that I may never know or understand. I know that God works in completely unexpected ways and I do not have to be physically whole for Him to work those miracles. It is a miracle that I have hope.
I am a hopeful, optimistic person. It is something that I thank God for all the time. My hope is no reflection of myself but rather a testament to the power of the Holy Spirit alive in my heart. I easily forget the power that God demonstrates in my life. It is easy to allow myself to overlook His blessings when brushing my teeth is my goal for the day. But I am humbly reminded throughout the day and I am thankful that He wants to take the time to fill me with hope and sustain me for another day.
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