Monday, January 10, 2011

Project Life: Week 1

I decided to participate in Project Life this year. I am super excited. I didn't find out about this until the middle of last year. So, hopefully, I will stick to it. Here is my first week of photos.  You can check out Becky Higgins's website to learn more. I am linking up with Jessica Turner's blog for Project Life Tuesday. I am a day early!

January 1
My first photo of the new year. Yes, I partied so hard on New Year's Eve! ha!

 January 2
One of my Christmas gifts was the complete Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman series.
I have basically been watching it 24/7.

January 3
Holly had a bath! Yay! (Thanks Dad!)

January 4
Tuesday is when my nurse comes and I get my IV saline.

January 5
It was a bad day. This pretty much sums up my day.

January 6
My Anthropologie catalogue came. It was all about shoes & purses! The catalogue was so beautiful! But what Anthropolige catalogue, isn't?!  This was my favorite page! 

January 7
Today was a total bummer. I had planned all week to go run some errands with Mom. It was nothing major but I was super excited to get out of the house. I woke up so sick on Friday and couldn't go. I  had picked out my clothes the night before, got my purse ready and everything and then I felt like poo. I was pretty disappointed.

January 8
Me & Holly before bed. I love her to pieces! 

I hope y'all have a great week.

PS: That snow storm was really a let down in our area. No snow. Just ice. But we did keep our electricity! So, I am not complaining!


Rachel @ daily dunmore said...


Anonymous said...

You captured some great pics. You lasted longer than I did I NY's eve!!! I look forward to returning to your blog and checking out your progress on Project Life!

Sheila said...

I love the anthropology catty. Wonderful pictures of your week.

The Mann Fam said...

I remember watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman. They filmed it not to far from where I live and we were able to go on "location" and see all the buildings they use in the filming.

Anthropology is the best catalog for all the eye candy.

Veronica said...

I love that you are trying project life too, now we can all keep each other motivated! Cant' wait to see your weeks to come.

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