Monday, March 12, 2012

Because Sometimes Those Silly Cliches Are Really True...even for me!

I hope you are prepared for a WHOLE LOT of HAPPINESS! When is the last time I said that on this blog?! I will admit it has been awhile!

First order of business. School. School is going really, really well. Even though I am still little bummed that I switched my minor to Human Growth & Development that are two really major positive outcomes. The first is that it compliments my Psychology major a lot more that my first minor did and secondly, I can take every single course for my minor online! Hallelujah! I go to campus once a week and observe at an on site daycare for an hour. Some weeks have been difficult but the last couple have been just fine and (drum roll)....I even drove myself the last two times!! Whoo!  I will be signing up for Summer and Fall classes next week. I am taking two online courses this Summer and taking a leap of faith and choosing to take one course on campus for the Fall. I am nervous and very, very excited! 

Secondly, yes I am driving some!!! Seriously, it feels so nice to drive again. I feel like such a carefree teenager when I am able to drive. I even have a "car-tunes" playlist on my iPod just for the special occasions. I only go places close to home. (Like the pharmacy or to get a pedicure.) I am planning to go to the library this week or next. It is about 25 minutes away. I always drive when someone else is at home and has access to a car-just in case I get where I am going and get sick and can't make it back home. Always be prepared.

Okay, this is my biggest and most exciting news!! I am really nervous but so super excited at the same time. I have decided to go with my best friend Kim to Austin, TX, the first week of April. Kim, her roomate and their friend from church will be coming from Maryland during their spring break. They are coming through Alabama and I will ride the rest of the way with them. I am a little nervous because my mind likes to scream at me and remind me of all the horrible things that could go wrong so far from home but then there is another little voice that is like, "Hey, put on your big girl panties! You have been way too sick for way too long to give up an opportunity like this!" Even though the little voice scares me a litttle, I happen to agree with it and I am taking a huge leap of faith and I am going to a regular, normal person!! I am so excited!!! 



quietspirit said...

Dear Lord: Please guide Heather in her plans for this trip. Chase away the sad thoughts, if that is Your will. Remind her that you are with her and will be with her should she journey with her friends. We will be sure to give You the praise. In the name of Jesus, I pray.AMEN

Lilli said...

enjoy your trip dear!:*

Tracy said...

Wow! That is exciting news. I know on a smaller scale how wonderful it is to be able to drive again, as I had four weeks recently when I couldn't drive. I can't imagine how revved you must be about your newfound freedom. Hope things continue to look up.

Noemi said...

This is awesome Heather so very happy for you, of course you know the Lord will be with you every step of the way so you are never alone!
♥ Noemi
Fashion: Classy N Glamorous
Travel: Across The Sea

Rachel @ daily dunmore said...

Such wonderful news!

Saralee said...

So glad I stopped by your blog this morning! You have made my heart smile dear sweet Heather! This is just the greatest news! God is sooooooooo good! Big Hugs!

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